
Japanse interneringskaarten, Surname: Zeelst (フワン・ゼエイルスト)

Surname Zeelst (フワン・ゼエイルスト)
Given names Bernardus Gerardus (ベルナルトス・ゲルナルデス)
Infix van
Date of birth 1896-04-26
Nationality Netherlands (蘭)
Rank (陸軍 総司令官部 少尉 予備役)
Stamboeknr n/a
Place of capture 爪哇 バンドン野戦総司令部
Date of capture 17/03/12; 1942/03/12
Occupation (中学先生)
Place of origin (n/a)
Destination report (n/a)
Remarks p 87400?
Camp and transfer date 1 爪哇17/08/15 [05/31] ; Java POW Camp 1942/08/15 [05/31]
Camp and transfer date 2 泰; Thai POW Camp
Camp Branch Name and Reg No. 1 爪I (ジャワ俘虜収容所第1分所) 16705; No.1 Branch Camp of Java POW Camp 16705
Other info 1 Departed to be transferred to Thai POW Camp on 29 October 1942; His name is found in name list of the rosters to be transferred to Thailand, but is not found on the Thai POW Camp rosters (1944). This person is not found on the death roster of Java POW Camp, therefore his affiliation is unknown; [Details are not available although his name is found on the Java POW Camp roster in 1944]; Fell ill on 11 November 1942; Died on 17 November 1942 (JA.71 P.286); Died of dysentery on 17 November 1942 (JA.71 P.265); Place of death: Rangoon POW Camp; Disposal of remains: Cremated at logistics crematorium JA.71; (昭和17年10月29日泰移管のため出発; 泰向移管連名簿に記載あるも泰連名簿(19年連名簿)に記載なし; ジャワの死亡者にも非ず、故に所属不明となれり; [ジャワ俘虜収容所 昭和19年度連名簿に記載あるも詳細不明]; 昭和17年11月11日発病; 昭和17年11月17日赤痢にて死亡す(JA.71 P.265); 死亡場所: 蘭貢俘虜収容所; 死体処理: 兵站火葬場にて火葬 JA.71;)

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